jubakit.classifier のソースコード

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import jubatus
import jubatus.embedded

from .base import GenericSchema, BaseDataset, BaseService, GenericConfig, Utils
from .loader.array import ArrayLoader, ZipArrayLoader
from .loader.sparse import SparseMatrixLoader
from .loader.chain import ValueMapChainLoader, MergeChainLoader
from .compat import *

[ドキュメント]class Schema(GenericSchema): """ Schema for Classifier service. """ LABEL = 'l'
[ドキュメント] def __init__(self, mapping, fallback=None): self._label_key = self._get_unique_mapping(mapping, fallback, self.LABEL, 'LABEL', True) super(Schema, self).__init__(mapping, fallback)
[ドキュメント] def transform(self, row): """ Classifier schema transforms the row into Datum and its associated label. """ label = row.get(self._label_key, None) if label is not None: label = unicode_t(label) d = self._transform_as_datum(row, None, [self._label_key]) return (label, d)
[ドキュメント]class Dataset(BaseDataset): """ Dataset for Classifier service. """ @classmethod def _predict(cls, row): return Schema.predict(row, False) @classmethod def _from_loader(cls, data_loader, labels, label_names, static): if labels is None: loader = data_loader schema = Schema({}, Schema.NUMBER) else: # Label is feeded with '_label' key from Loader. label_loader = ZipArrayLoader(_label=labels) if label_names is not None: label_loader = ValueMapChainLoader(label_loader, '_label', label_names) loader = MergeChainLoader(data_loader, label_loader) schema = Schema({'_label': Schema.LABEL}, Schema.NUMBER) return Dataset(loader, schema, static)
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, labels=None, feature_names=None, label_names=None, static=True): """ Converts two arrays or a sparse matrix data and its associated label array to Dataset. Parameters ---------- data : array or scipy 2-D sparse matrix of shape [n_samples, n_features] labels : array of shape [n_samples], optional feature_names : array of shape [n_features], optional label_names : array of shape [n_labels], optional """ if hasattr(data, 'todense'): return cls.from_matrix(data, labels, feature_names, label_names, static) else: return cls.from_array(data, labels, feature_names, label_names, static)
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def from_array(cls, data, labels=None, feature_names=None, label_names=None, static=True): """ Converts two arrays (data and its associated labels) to Dataset. Parameters ---------- data : array of shape [n_samples, n_features] labels : array of shape [n_samples], optional feature_names : array of shape [n_features], optional label_names : array of shape [n_labels], optional """ data_loader = ArrayLoader(data, feature_names) return cls._from_loader(data_loader, labels, label_names, static)
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def from_matrix(cls, data, labels=None, feature_names=None, label_names=None, static=True): """ Converts a sparse matrix data and its associated label array to Dataset. Parameters ---------- data : scipy 2-D sparse matrix of shape [n_samples, n_features] labels : array of shape [n_samples], optional feature_names : array of shape [n_features], optional label_names : array of shape [n_labels], optional """ data_loader = SparseMatrixLoader(data, feature_names) return cls._from_loader(data_loader, labels, label_names, static)
[ドキュメント] def get_labels(self): """ Returns labels of each record in the dataset. """ if not self._static: raise RuntimeError('non-static datasets cannot fetch list of labels') for (idx, (label, d)) in self: yield label
[ドキュメント]class Classifier(BaseService): """ Classifier service. """
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def name(cls): return 'classifier'
@classmethod def _client_class(cls): return jubatus.classifier.client.Classifier @classmethod def _embedded_class(cls): return jubatus.embedded.Classifier
[ドキュメント] def train(self, dataset): """ Trains the classifier using the given dataset. """ cli = self._client() for (idx, (label, d)) in dataset: if label is None: raise RuntimeError('Dataset without label column cannot be used for training') result = cli.train([jubatus.classifier.types.LabeledDatum(unicode_t(label), d)]) assert result == 1 yield (idx, label)
[ドキュメント] def classify(self, dataset, softmax=False): """ Classify the given dataset using this classifier. When ``softmax`` is set to True, softmax is applied to the resulting scores. """ cli = self._client() for (idx, (label, d)) in dataset: # Do classification for the record. result = cli.classify([d]) assert len(result) == 1 # Create the list of (label, score) desc sorted by score. label_score_sorted = [(ent.label, ent.score) for ent in sorted(result[0], key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True)] if softmax: labels = [x[0] for x in label_score_sorted] scores = [x[1] for x in label_score_sorted] label_score_sorted = list(zip(labels, Utils.softmax(scores))) # Note: label may become None. yield (idx, label, label_score_sorted)
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def train_and_classify(cls, config, train_dataset, test_dataset, metric): """ This is an utility method to perform bulk train-test. Run a classifier using the given config, train the classifier, classify using the classifier, then return the calculated metrics. """ classifier = cls.run(config) for _ in classifier.train(train_dataset): pass y_true = [] y_pred = [] for (idx, label, result) in classifier.classify(test_dataset): if 0 < len(result): y_true.append(label) y_pred.append(result[0][0]) classifier.stop() return metric(y_true, y_pred)
[ドキュメント]class Config(GenericConfig): """ Configuration to run Classifier service. """
[ドキュメント] @classmethod def methods(cls): return ['perceptron', 'PA', 'PA1', 'PA2', 'CW', 'AROW', 'NHERD', 'NN', 'cosine', 'euclidean']
@classmethod def _default_method(cls): return 'AROW' @classmethod def _default_parameter(cls, method): if method in ('perceptron', 'PA', 'passive_aggressive'): return None elif method in ('PA1', 'passive_aggressive_1', 'PA2', 'passive_aggressive_2', 'CW', 'confidence_weighted', 'AROW', 'NHERD', 'normal_herd'): return {'regularization_weight': 1.0} elif method in ('cosine', 'euclidean'): return { 'nearest_neighbor_num': 128, 'local_sensitivity': 1.0, } elif method in ('NN', 'nearest_neighbor'): return { 'method': 'euclid_lsh', 'parameter': { 'threads': -1, # use number of logical CPU cores 'hash_num': 64, }, 'nearest_neighbor_num': 128, 'local_sensitivity': 1.0 } else: raise RuntimeError('unknown method: {0}'.format(method))