Jubash Reference


jubash [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--cluster CLUSTER]
       [--service SERVICE] [--command COMMAND]
       [--keepalive] [--fail-fast] [--prompt PROMPT]
       [--verbose] [--debug] [--help] [script ...]


jubash is a command line interface to interactively communicate with Jubatus servers. See Shell for the detailed description.


  • [] indicates the default value.
-H <host>, --host <host>

Host name or IP address of the server or proxy. []

-P <port>, --port <port>

Port number of the server or proxy. [9199]

-C <cluster>, --cluster <cluster>

Jubatus cluster name. Required when connecting to a proxy.

-s <service>, --service <service>

Name of Jubatus service (classifier, nearest_neighbor, etc.) Generally you don’t have to specify this option; it is auto-detected by default.

-e <engine>, --engine <engine>

Deprecated; equivalent to --service.

-c <command>, --command <command>

When specified, run the specified one-shot command instead of starting an interactive shell.

-t <timeout>, --timeout <timeout>

Client side timeout in seconds. [10]

-k, --keepalive

Use keep-alive connection mode.

By default, jubash establishes new TCP connection for each RPC call. When this option is specified, jubash reuses TCP connection. Keep-alive mode provides better performance.

Note that timeout of server or proxy must be disabled (e.g., jubaclassifier --timeout 0) to use keep-alive mode.

-F, --fail-fast

Stop when error occurred when running script.

-p <prompt>, --prompt <prompt>

Use specified shell prompt format in interactive mode. [[Jubatus:{service}<{cluster}>@{host}:{port}] #]

-v, --verbose

Enable verbose mode. In verbose mode, the contents of Datum are displayed when making RPC call.

-d, --debug

Enable debug mode. In debug mode, stacktrace will be displayed when fatal error occurred.

-h, --help

Show the usage of the command.