RPC Error Handling

Jubatus causes RPC-errors with various reasons (Among these, you’ll often encounter timeout errors caused by server-side auto session close). In this page, we describe how to handle RPC-errors.

Common Issues

  • If you perform RPC, exceptions may be raised. When exceptions occur, in some client language, connections aren’t closed automatically. To avoid resource leaks, you must catch exceptions and close connections explicitly. It is also the same when you dispose an client object.
  • RPC errors caused by application layer problems like RPC method or type mismatching, and also caused by transport layer problems like communication errors or timeout. Trasport layer problems may recover by retrying RPC.
  • You must consider the following points before retrying RPC:
    • validity of retrying UPDATE methods : In general, re-performing one non-idempotent UPDATE method may make an EM model different. Ideally, we want to retry RPC only which isn’t performed by server actually. But Jubatus client can’t detect that. Thus, you need to restrict retrying UPDATE methods to idempotent ones. On the other hand, retrying ANALYZE methods aren’t restricted.
    • latency : Retrying RPC will increase latency. You must consider your application can allow that.
  • It is recommended that retrying RPC are performed after some interval and limit the number of retrying.

Recommendation for each client languages


  • RPC performing code should guarantee explicit session closing by begin - ensure block. To close sessions explicitly, you execute client object’s get_client.close .
  • Any RPC exceptions are derived from MessagePack::RPC::RPCError .
  • When transport layer error occurs by RPC, MessagePack::RPC::TransportError exception will be raised. Timeout raises MessagePack::RPC::TimeoutError exception. Server-side connection close also raises MessagePack::RPC::TimeoutError . You should catch these exceptions by begin - rescue block and will retry RPC. Before you retry, you must close sessions explicitly.
  • When RPC methods mismatching, type mismatching errors occur by RPC, Jubatus::Common::InterfaceMismatch exception will be raised. When algorithm errors occur by RPC, MessagePack::RPC::RemoteError or MessagePack::RPC::CallError exception will be raised. You should catch these exceptions and close sessions explicitly. You can catch any RPC exceptions by RPCError excluding TransportError and TimeoutError .
require 'jubatus/classifier/client'

RETRY_MAX = 3      # maximum number of retries
RETRY_INTERVAL = 3 # retry interval (sec)

client = Jubatus::Classifier::Client::Classifier.new(host, port, name, timeout)
  retry_count = RETRY_MAX

    # performing RPC

  # retry against transport error and timeout
  rescue MessagePack::RPC::TimeoutError, MessagePack::RPC::TransportError => e
    # stop retrying if the number of retry reaches limit
    raise if (retry_count -= 1) <= 0

    # preparing retry: close session explicitly

    # retry after some inteval
    $stderr.puts e

# catch any RPC exceptions
rescue MessagePack::RPC::RPCError, Jubatus::Common::InterfaceMismatch => e
  $stderr.puts e
  # close session always


  • RPC performing code should guarantee explicit session closing by try - finally block. To close sessions explicitly, you execute client object’s get_client().close() .
  • Any RPC exceptions are derived from msgpackrpc.error.RPCError .
  • When transport layer error occurs by RPC, msgpackrpc.error.TransportError exception will be raised. Timeout raises msgpackrpc.error.TimeoutError exception. Server-side connection close also raises msgpackrpc.error.TimeoutError . You should catch these exceptions by try - except block and will retry RPC. Before you retry, you must close sessions explicitly and re-create a client object .
  • When RPC method or type mismatching occur, jubatus.common.client.InterfaceMismatch exception will be raised. Algorithm error and other RPC errors raise msgpackrpc.error.RPCError exception. You should catch these exceptions and close sessions explicitly. You can catch any RPC exceptions by RPCError excluding TransportError and TimeoutError .
import jubatus
from jubatus.common import Datum
import msgpackrpc
import time

retry_max = 3      # maximum number of retries
retry_interval = 3 # retry interval (sec)

client = jubatus.Classifier(host, port, name, timeout)
    retry_count = retry_max
    while True:

            # performing RPC

        # retry against transport error and timeout
        except (msgpackrpc.error.TransportError, msgpackrpc.error.TimeoutError) as e:
            # stop retrying if the number of retry reaches limit
            retry_count -= 1
            if retry_count <= 0:

            # preparing retry: close session explicitly and re-create client object
            client = jubatus.Classifier(host, port, name, timeout)

            # retry after some interval
            print e

# catch any RPC exceptions
except (msgpackrpc.error.RPCError, jubatus.common.client.InterfaceMismatch) as e:
    print e

    # close session always


  • When you dispose client objects, connections are closed automatically. You don’t need to close sessions explicitly. But if you want to do so, you execute client object’s get_client().close() .
  • Any RPC exceptions are derived from msgpack::rpc::rpc_error .
  • When client object fails to connect server ( one of the transport layer errors ) , msgpack::rpc::connect_error will be raised. Other transport layer errors will raise msgpack::rpc::system_error exceptions. Timeout will raise msgpack::rpc::timeout_error exception. And server-side connection close will raise msgpack::rpc::connection_closed_error exception. You should catch these exceptions by try - catch block and will retry RPC. Before you retry, you must close sessions explicitly. In addition, connect_error exception is derived from timeout_error. You can catch connect_error exceptions as timeout_error .
  • When RPC method mismatch and type mismatch occur by RPC, msgpack::rpc::no_method_error and msgpack::rpc::argument_error exception will be raised respectively. Algorithm error will raise msgpack::rpc::remote_error exception. You can catch these exceptions as rpc_error .
#include <jubatus/client.hpp>

#define RETRY_MAX 3       // maximum number of retries
#define RETRY_INTERVAL 3  // retry interval (sec)

// RPC exception handler macro
    // stop retrying if the number of retry reaches limit \
    if (--retry_count <= 0) throw;                        \
    // preparing retry: close session explicitly          \
    client.get_client().close();                          \
    // retry after some interval                          \
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;                   \
    ::sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL);                              \

  jubatus::classifier::client::classifier client(host, port, name, timeout);
  try {
    int retry_count = RETRY_MAX;
    while(true) {
      try {

        // performing RPC
        results = client.classify(query_data);
      // retry against transport errors and timeout
      } catch(msgpack::rpc::connection_closed_error &e) {
      } catch(msgpack::rpc::system_error &e) {
      } catch(msgpack::rpc::timeout_error &e) {

  // catch any RPC exceptions
  } catch(msgpack::rpc::rpc_error &e) {
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
  // close connections automatically by disposing client object


  • RPC performing code should guarantee explicit session closing by try - finally block. To close sessions explicitly, you execute client objects’ get_client().close() .
  • Any RPC errors are reported by org.msgpack.rpc.error.RPCError exceptions. You can not distinguish errors by exception classes. You should catch RPCError exceptions and close sessions explicitly.
  • After closing session explicitly, you can retry RPC by same client object. But retrying RPC is not recommended because you can not detect transport layer error which may recover by retrying.