

jubaconfig --cmd <command> [options ...]


In distributed environment, jubaconfig manages the configuration files of Jubatus servers that are registered on ZooKeeper.


  • [] indicates the default value.
  • <zookeeper_list> is a comma-separated list of host:port of ZooKeeper servers (e.g.,,, No spaces between values are allowed. If you have only one ZooKeeper server, just specify host:port without comma (e.g.,
-c <command>, --cmd <command>

Specify the action to perform on configuration files. <command> should be one of the following.

Command Description
write Register configuration file on the local file system to ZooKeeper
read Display configuration file registered on ZooKeeper
delete Remove configuration file registered on ZooKeeper
list List configuration file registered on ZooKeeper
-f <file>, --file <file>

Path of the configuration file to register to ZooKeeper.

Effective only when used with --cmd write.

-t <type>, --type <type>

Type of the server program (e.g., classifier, recommender, …).

Effective only when used with one of --cmd write, --cmd read or --cmd delete.

-n <name>, --name <name>

The instance name, which is a value to uniquely identify a task in the ZooKeeper cluster.

Effective only when used with one of --cmd write, --cmd read or --cmd delete.

-z <zookeeper_list>, --zookeeper <zookeeper_list>

List of ZooKeeper server(s).

If not specified, environment variable ZK will be used.

-d, --debug

This option is deprecated and is no longer be used.

-?, --help

Print the brief usage of the command.