Jubatus Proxies


jubaclassifier_proxy -z <zookeeper_list> [options ...]
jubaanomaly_proxy -z <zookeeper_list> [options ...]


In distributed environment, Jubatus Proxy distributes requests from clients to servers.


  • [] indicates the default value.
  • <zookeeper_list> is a comma-separated list of host:port of ZooKeeper servers (e.g.,,, No spaces between values are allowed. If you have only one ZooKeeper server, just specify host:port without comma (e.g.,
-p <port>, --rpc-port <port>

Port number to listen for RPC requests. [9199]

-b <address>, --listen_addr <address>

IPv4 address to listen for RPC requests.

If not specified, listens for requests on all IPv4 addresses.

-B <interface>, --listen_if <interface>

Network interface to listen for RPC requests.

If not specified, listens for requests on all network interfaces.

Cannot be specified altogether with --listen_addr (in that case this option will be ignored).

-c <num>, --thread <num>

Number of threads to accept RPC connection. [4]

-t <seconds>, --timeout <seconds>

Session timeout of RPC in seconds. [10]

0 means disable timeout.

-Z <seconds>, --zookeeper_timeout <seconds>

Session timeout between ZooKeeper and Jubatus Proxy in seconds. [10]

-I <seconds>, --interconnect_timeout <seconds>

Timeout of RPC between Jubatus Proxy and Jubatus Servers in seconds. [10]

-D, --daemon

Launch in daemon mode (detach from console).

-z <zookeeper_list>, --zookeeper <zookeeper_list>

List of ZooKeeper server(s).

-E <seconds>, --pool_expire <seconds>

Session pool timeout in seconds. [60]

0 means that the session is expired if not used for more than one second.

-S <num>, --pool_size <num>

Maximum size of session pool for each thread. [0]

0 means unlimited.

-l <dirpath>, --logdir <dirpath>

Path of directory to output ZooKeeper log files.

If not specified, logs are dumped to the standard error.

-g <log_config>, --log_config <log_config>

Path of the logging configuration file in log4cxx (XML) format.

If not specified, logs are dumped to the standard output.

-v, --version

Print the version of Jubatus Proxy.

-?, --help

Print the brief usage of the command.